Monday, December 30, 2013

The Unsuspecting V-Steam "Volunteer" Part 2

German Chamomile
Remember the unsuspecting "volunteer" from the last post on V-steamin'? Her second review is below.

Dear Keely,

here are my results for the Cheeky (grounded) herb pack vjay steam:

After a stressful day, I welcomed the warm, soothing steam and immediately started to relax.  I did the steam for 25 minutes. The tension, anger, stress started releasing immediately from the bottom and on up.  My left shoulder even relaxed and released.  Cloudy, fearful thoughts were cleared from my mind. During the steam my abdomen started gurgling, belching occurred and BM followed about 30 min later.  This morning I feel lighter, energetic and optimistic.  This is the way to go to alleviate stress and to get back on positive mindset train

Thank you!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Unsusptecting V-Steam "Volunteer"

So I just got off the phone with a friend who was going to be in my neighborhood in about two hours and wanted to drop by for a visit.  It'll be good to see her but I did have plans to work on the computer and do some random milling around the apt. (I do this sometimes...actually a lot.) Hmm...yes, it'll be great to see her but we're going to get something more than a social visit out this day. She has been signed up to try a V-steam. Did I mention it before she arrived? Heck no! But, she was  not surprisingly down for the experience. Yay!

Having worked with her before, I know a great deal about her medical history; reoccurring uterine fibroids, constipation and anxiety. Her diet is not the most beneficial...alas, a work in progress.
I gave her the low down on what was going to happen and what she had to do, which was nothing more than sit over a steaming pot of herbs. Easy enough...well let's get going! The herbs were ready when she arrived, just a bit more steeping and cooling. I have to make this comfortable or she'll never trust any of my experiments again. Now the herb concoction has cooled enough, I place a towel on the seat of a very well cleaned toilet, pot o'herbs placed inside the toilet bowl, seat down. I tell her to undress from the waist down, make sure the towel doesn't slide and block the steam...doodle...doodle...doodle...ask if she has any questions, then I leave the room. Ok, now it's been about 5 mins...
me-How you doin' in there? Temperature comfortable?
her-I'm fine, yes, the temperature is fine.
me-Seat comfortable?
her- Yes, it's comfortable.
Ok, all seems good so far. The recommendation for steaming is 15-20 minutes. It's has now been 20, I let her know the time (she's also on a bit of a schedule, don't want her to have to rush afterwards). And to my surprise she asks to stay for another five minutes. "Sure", I say. That's a good sign.

This is what she had to say about her experience:
expectations(if any), then actual experience
I did not know what to expect at first.  As I sat down, the steam hit and it felt relaxing and comforting.  Long overdue, I thought.

how you felt during the steam and after
I enjoyed the steam, my pelvic floor relaxed, all tensions left,  the cramped feeling in my abdomen was released too.  It put me in great state of mind

comfort of sitting
After sitting 30 minutes, I started feeling the inside of edge of the toilet seat, may be due to the towel shifting a bit.

what you felt the night of, how you slept (any difference from any other night)
Feeling lighter, at peace in mind, and body.  I slept comfortably and woke up with energy.  Plus my bowels moved pretty good.  Plus the steam effects lasted another 2 days for me.  There was no discharge.
She took home a 'to go' bag of herbs to use after her menses; more reports coming up.

For your own V-steam experience order here.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Get to know your V-Jay Steam cast of plant helpers a little better.

All of the plants below are organically grown or wild harvested using sustainable practices; gathered with gratitude and respect.

Plant Properties

(To place an order, go to-
Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
prevents infection, speeds healing of wounds, natural antibiotic for skin infections, energetic clearing, mental clarity, relief from menstrual cramps promotes blood circulation, gentle disinfectant for mucous tissue

Catalpa  (Catalpa bignonioides)
Traditionally used to treat asthma and bronchitis, the seeds have been used to treat external wounds.  The tree itself is great for holding soil together, counters soil run off (useful grounding energy).

German Chamomile  (Matricaria recutita)

Nervine-calms headaches, hyperactivity, migraines; nourishes and rejuvenates the skin; counters scaliness, inflammation, wrinkles and stretch marks; *urinary tract infection (*U.T.I); Antispasmodic, Tonic, Diaphoretic-detox; Sedative; Emmenagogue-promotes menstruation, Antiseptic for all *inflammations

Comfrey  (Symphytum officinale)
Demeculent-soothes and relieves inflammation; Astringent-used to heal **sore, bumps, bruises and general vascular health 

Grapefruit  (Citrus x paradisi)
gentle astringent

(Lavandula augustifolia Mill.)
Aromatic; Carminative; Nervine; Restorative; Tonic against faintness (or light head); Antispasmodic; uplifts the spirit

(Magnolia soulangeana)
Toner; Astringent; Antiperiodic-prevents reoccurrence of disease, of certain fevers, esp. malaria; Stimulant; Antiseptic-external wounds and pain; used to prevent fainting

Spearmint  (Mentha spicata L.)
relieves pressure of migraine headaches, treats general nervousness and digestive disorders; Antivial-inhibits **herpes; Stimulant; Relaxant; Antiseptic; Antispasmodic-relaxes muscle spasms

Mugwort  (Artemisia vulgaris) Emmenagogue-brings on suppressed period; Diuretic-increases flow of urine,; Diaphoretic-promotes perspiration (detox); with acupuncture used as moxa to warm tissue and remove congestion; sooth cramping; used in Russian folk medicine for nervousness, fright, female weakness-amenorrohea and dysmenorhoea

Plantain  (Plantago lanceolata)
Alterative; Astringent; Diuretic; Antiseptic; soothing, repair of fresh or chronic wound or sores, bruises; remedy for neuralgia (*herpes); reduces inflammation; hemorrhoid relief; accelerates skin healing
*Side note-I gave plantain as a salve to my sister for a toenail that broke and then came off. It staved off swelling and infection pretty nicely.

Rosebuds  (Rosa centifolia L.)
(gentle) Astringent; used to counter anorexia and bulimia (internally as a tea); the aroma opes the lungs and strengthens the heart(courage); lifts the spirits; gives the skin a 'rosy complexion'

Red clover  (Trifolium pratense L.)

Alterative; Sedative; Deobstruent; Antiseptic; stops bleeding of wounds pain and infection
Caution! Red clover is a phytoestrogen, it makes things grow. If you have uterine fibroids avoid its use.

Yarrow  (Achillea millefolium) very strong) Astringent, Alterative; Diuretic; Tonic; Diaphoretic-promotes perspiration, treats incontinence, tightens and invigorates the skin

Indian Herbalogy Of North America, Alma R. Hutchens
Herbs That Heal, Arden Moore and Bridget Doherty
A Modern Herbal, Mrs. Mr. Grieve F.R.H.S.
Rainforest Home Remedies, Rosita Arvigo and Nadine Epstein
Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetable and Herbs, John Heinerman
Holistic Aromatherapy, Christine Wildwood

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

V-Jay Steam; At Home Herbal Steams for Vaginal Health and Wellbeing

Ok, so what is a vaginal steam? 
Vaginal steaming is a type of hydrotherapy (use of any form of water to maintain healthor treat disease). For example: colonic irrigation, sauna, whirlpool, poultice, foot bath
and even every day showers are all forms of hydrotherapy. Pretty cool, right?

Vagnial steams, what are they good for?

Vaginal steams have been used for hundreds of years by many cultures including
Rosita Arvigo's practice in Belize. (She developed The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy.) This is her description of it's use-
"Traditionally known as bajos. [vaginal steams]...are used to introduce warmth, soften and nourish internal membranes, acts as a uterine lavage [wash/cleanse] to support female reproductive health."
In Malaysia vaginal steams are called bertangas. chai-yok in Korea.

In addition to the above vaginal steaming has also been used:
to warm and soften the pelvic floor
in conjunction with other techniques for fertility
to improve blood and lymph circulation of the pelvis
for dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps)
for amenorrhea (absence of menstrual period)
to assist in repositioning a "tipped" uterus
for postpartum support
to relieve vaginal dryness
urinary track infection
for hemorrhoids
for vaginitis
to reduce fibroid growth
to reduce stress
to simply connect with "down there"
to relieve lower back pain too!

Who should NOT use vaginal steams?
V-Jay Steams are NOT to be used if:
you are pregnant, think you might be or not sure if you're pregnant
you're on your period; before or after is fine
you have an acute infection with fever and/or or swelling

How does it work?
Honestly, I don't know but I'll give it a shot from putting together information I've gleaned from books, the internet and my own experience. So much healing wisdom has been lost and forgotten! If anyone has info to add, I'm all ears. Some would even say it doesn't work...I beg to differ.

OK steams, in general, are a type of hydrotherapy, right? Hydrotherapy we know (from above) has been used historically to maintain health and treat disease. Add to the therapeutic properties of steam (opened pores to release toxins, relax muscle, etc.,) the medicinal compounds of herbs. Now you've got some hydrosol action happening. Examples of hydrosols are: floral water, rose water, lavender water...but it doesn't have to only be flowers a hydrosol can also include leaves, stems and barks.

What we have in these hydrosols are water soluble elements, including small amounts of essential oils (used in the the healing modality of Aromatherapy). Now Introduce this warming, soothing steam/hydrosol to the highly vascular (containing blood vessels) and permeable tissues of the vagina, cervix, uterus and even the anus; and you've got a pretty efficient delivery system for the healing properties of plants like chamomile, mugwort, lavender, basil and a huge cast of other helpers.

Why would I want to steam my vagina? And how often?

Well, if you're interested in a (w)holistic way to maintain reproductive health (if you're reproducing or not) or exploring a grounding stress reliever, relief from hyper-tonic P.C. muscles, vaginal steams could be your way to go.

Frequency depends on an individual's needs. As a way of "house cleaning it can be used
seasonally or after menstruation.  Others may incorporate vaginal steams into a fertility regimen and need to use them more frequently over a short period of time. Feel free to contact me if you have any
questions in these regards at
Ok, you've got my attention. How would I use a V-Jay Steam at home?
Glad you asked, here's how you use it. More detailed instructions come with every order.
Shop now

After steeping your herbs, pour them in a bowl that will fit into your toilet bowl.
(The toilet has been thoroughly cleaned with non-toxic cleaners like baking soda and/or white vinegar.) Place a towel on the seat, as a cushion.

Sit 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, keep yourself warm and relax for an hour or better yet, have your steam at night and go straight to bed afterwards...zzzzz.
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